4 Tips For Stylish Maternity Wear - Looking Cute When Pregnant

4 Tips For Stylish Maternity Wear - Looking Cute When Pregnant

Being pregnant can be an extremely exciting time in your life - but it can also be an extremely confusing time, and can be one of the most overwhelming times in your life; after all, the mood swings and additional emotional burden can be bad enough, but add to this the fact that you have to select an entirely new wardrobe, and it can be difficult to figure out where to even start! There are a lot of women, of course, who end up going with the old standby of sweatpants and baggy t-shirts - but when it comes down to it, every woman wants to feel beautiful and sexy, whether they are pregnant or not, and "sweatpants and baggy t-shirts" is not really the way to do this! And so, here is a look at four things to make sure you keep in mind in order to look cute and sexy when pregnant.

1) Talk to friends: if you have friends who have been pregnant, a lot of them will have great ideas on what you can wear for different occasions, and will possibly even have clothes that you can borrow from them; as with just about anything in life, it is better to learn from those who have "been there" before you, and friends of yours who have been pregnant is the perfect place to start!
2) Purchase wardrobe staples: If this is your first pregnancy, there is a very good chance you will be pregnant again at some point in the future; even if you typically buy clothes for your non-pregnant self that are trendy and "fashionable" - that is, clothes that are in style now, but may not be in style a few months from now - this is probably not the best way to shop when pregnant. Instead, pick up classic, timeless outfits you will still be able to wear a few years from now, when you are pregnant again!
3) Buy clothes that grow with your body: Remember, sweatpants are not the only clothes that have elastic waistbands, and baggy t-shirts are not the only options for oversized shirts; you can buy beautiful, timeless wardrobe pieces that will work for you when you are five months pregnant, and will still work for you when you are eight months pregnant. This will give you time to end up with new "favorite outfits," and to keep wearing these outfits for the months you are pregnant!
4) Don't buy all at once: Each woman grows in different ways, so don't try to do all your maternity shopping right when you start showing; instead, set aside money for each month so you can keep buying new outfits. And anyway, shopping for clothes is just plain fun, which means it's a whole lot better to be able to keep adding outfits as you go along!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7515668


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