How a Website Can Overcome Dental Fears
There are some universal reasons as to why a number of people have fears about going to see a dentist. A dental clinic can tackle some of these on your website, while inviting a new patient to come try out your services.
The first such fear is probably that a dental procedure is going to hurt. No patient likes pain. Teeth are sensitive, and pain management is an important dental clinic procedure. So on your website you can write about what you use to control pain so the patient remains comfortable.
If you practice sedation dentistry for patients who have excess anxiety about their procedure, include this on your Services page. The sedation can help keep someone calm when you start your drill and move it towards their open mouth. Also, you can reflect a supportive attitude towards patients by being educational on your website. If your dental clinic plays soft music or has televisions tuned to enjoyable programs, you can add this as well.
You can also keep someone calm by being respectful and gentle, and your website can reflect this. Avoid putting anything in your face onto your website - instead have calming colors such as green and blue. Make sure any photos that you show are respectful of the person's appearance. That is, the person appears to be well treated and has given consent for the photograph to appear on your site.
You can also hint that your dental clinic respects your patients by managing the smells of antiseptic and other dental ingredients. Keep the lines of your website clean, and void of multiple ads, conflicting colors and other busy things that can make it look like it could manufacture spam.
If your dental clinic has 3-D imaging scanners or other high tech equipment, mention this along with the benefits such equipment offers. This helps prospective patients trust you, which is an important step in the sales process.
You can also put your dentist credentials and experience on your About Us page, and reveal your reputation as being good by putting testimonials onto your site. But avoid being "preachy" or appearing arrogant because that will repel good patients.
People tend to like a supportive dentist. So control the amount of dental information you put on your website. Rather than a show of your extensive knowledge which could intimidate some people, simply mention if you earned your dentist degree at a local or an exotic university. Then maybe briefly mention one or two minor facts about dental work that you find fascinating.
A dental clinic website can also indicate how you charge for basic and extended dental services. This doesn't mean that you have to publicly announce your prices. But an indication of your payment policies for people who see a dentist is welcome. For example, if you allow patients to make installment payments for more expensive procedures, advertise that. Not every dentist offers such an arrangement and it is one way to differentiate your dental clinic from your competitors.
Above all, when a patient does know, like and trust you enough to visit your dental clinic, then treat them well. Be supportive and educational, listen to their concerns, and answer them calmly and without any arrogance. Provide each patient with high quality and reliable dental care and they will become the type of patient who will give you a testimonial for your website.
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